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Log home insurance

Difficulties With Insuring Your Log Home

Log homes are beautiful structures that are some homeowners’ dream house. But with the dream of owning this house comes the nightmare of finding home insurance willing to cover you. Many insurance companies will outright refuse to grant you a policy on your log or timber homes. This is due to the high risk of ... Read more
Homeowners insurance coverage and jewelry explained

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Jewelry?

In general, homeowners insurance companies do cover jewelry, though subject to certain limitations and stipulations. It is the purpose of this article to give you the necessary insights and adequate information concerning your overall jewelry coverage and the significant options available at your disposal, geared towards total safety of your treasured assets. Homeowners insurance and ... Read more
Grace period in homeowners insurance explained

Homeowners Insurance Grace Period

An inѕurаnсе grасе реriоd is thе аmоunt оf timе the insurance company will аllоw fоr thе insurance premium tо be rесеivеd whilе ѕtill mаintаining уоur inѕurаnсе coverage асtivе.  Lifе hарреnѕ and billѕ саn slip thrоugh thе сrасkѕ. If уоu miѕѕ a ѕсhеdulеd рауmеnt fоr уоur hоmеоwnеrѕ insurance, mоѕt саrriеrѕ offer a grасе реriоd to саtсh ... Read more
Homeowners insurance coverage and water damage explained

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage?

Water damage resulting from flooding, sewage backup, and erosion will not be covered by your basic homeowners policy. Water damage resulting from burst pipes or other named perils in your policy will be covered. The trick is being able to decipher which caused the water damage in your home and showing the insurance company that’s ... Read more
Switching home insurance guide

Steps To Changing Homeowners Insurance

Don’t assume that you should stay with your current home insurance provider if you’re planning to buy a home soon or you already own one because staying with the same home insurance company for several years can pay big dividends. Yes, you might receive discounts if you’re doing business with them for a long time; ... Read more
Homeowners insurance dwelling coverage explained

What Is Dwelling Coverage? Coverage A Explained

Dwelling coverage or Coverage A is the first section of a standard home insurance policy. Dwelling coverage is all about protecting your house and any structures attached to it. Coverage A is the main portion of a home insurance policy and what we typically think of as homeowners insurance.
Homeowners insurance coverage and window replacement explained

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Window Replacement?

Replacing a window is always an expensive endeavor. The larger the window, the more expensive it is to repair and the last thing you want to do is pay for it yourself. But does your homeowners insurance cover the cost to pay for a window? As we see with most questions about coverage, it all ... Read more
Is tenant vandalism covered by homeowners insurance?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tenant Vandalism?

You’re a homeowner who made the decision to rent out your home to a tenant. This tenant moves in and after a while, you receive a call alerting you to a flooded basement and immense damages. You come to find out that this was not caused by a burst pipe but rather the tenant leaving ... Read more
How to calculate the home replacement cost

Replacement Cost Estimator: How to Calculate Home Replacement Costs

Replacement cost plays an important role in homeowners insurance. Getting an accurate estimate of the replacement cost of your home will allow to correctly size your dwelling coverage.
is homeowners insurance required?

Is Home Insurance Required or Mandatory?

In short… No. There is no federal or state law requiring you to purchase homeowners insurance. However, the mortgage lender holds every right to require you to buy a policy before allowing you to take out a loan. In most cases of the home buying process, the mortgage lender will require you to purchase an ... Read more
Homeowners insurance coverage and power surges

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Power Surges?

Like with many other causes of damage, the answer to the question of whether power surges are covered by homeowners insurance is not a simple yes or no. It depends on a number of different factors, making power surges covered in some instances and not covered in others. Key facts What is a power surge? ... Read more
Homeowners insurance coverage and food spoilage during power outage

Power Outage Food Spoilage Insurance

Aside from the inconvenience of doing chores without running electricity, one thing certainly does make you wish your power was restored quickly enough – spoiled food on the fridge. When you had some savory ribs or steaks that got spoiled due to a power outage, you can’t help but regret not cooking them before the ... Read more

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