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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Polybutylene Pipes?

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Polybutylene pipes in households were popular from the 1970s to the late 1990s.

If you are buying or selling a house, there are many things to look over and analyze. The yard, the foundation, the siding, electrical, plumbing, you name it. These are all things that could potentially make, or break a sale. Entire books have been written on this subject. The purpose of this article is to bring to light a point of consideration, the plumbing.

It’s 3 Am, Do You Know What Your Plumbing Is Doing?

Plumbing is something that can and has been overlooked by many a buyer or seller. Plumbing is something that can immediately shut down a deal. Leaky pipes? Those are a big red flag. How many of you thought to check the type of plumbing a house has? Everything may look perfect. It may have zero leaks, zero blockages and has a clean presentation. If you have the wrong pipes in the house, it can be a matter of time before something catastrophic happens. This is especially true if the home you are trying to buy or sell has polybutylene pipes. 

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Polybutylene pipes were popular from the 1970s to the late 1990s. It looks much like what we consider standard PVC piping today. It was a cheaply made potable water piping used in building. The problem that people run into with this piping is that it does not hold up well over time. The poor construction of this piping means that chlorine and other chemicals can eat away the insides. The only way to accurately verify if your pipes are polybutylene is to have a professional verify. If your house was built prior to 1970, there is still the chance that future repairs or modifications were done using polybutylene. You might be thinking, aren’t all things supposed to eventually fail in a house? What is the big problem? 

Yes, repairs and things requiring replacement are common in homes. The older the home, the more likely the chances. Plumbing issues can cause catastrophic damage to a house, quickly. This is why it is hard to sell a house with polybutylene piping. People know it will likely fail. It could be today, could be tomorrow. It could be a few years down the road. But, that failure is almost guaranteed to happen. It is the same reason insurance companies will typically not cover the replacement of repair for these pipes. You may qualify for the replacement of any personal items damaged by water from the pipes.

The keyword there is may. Your homeowners policy will have to be thoroughly checked prior to purchasing your coverage, and the house for that matter. Certain states will not insure any damage related to the failure of a polybutylene piping system. If you are preparing to sell, your best bet is to replace those outdated pipes at all costs. You will receive less than the top market value otherwise. If you are buying a house and getting a new homeowners policy, specifically ask about coverage for this type of plumbing. Most insurance companies are going to be very hesitant to provide coverage on these pipes. 

What You Can’t See, Can Hurt You

Do not take for granted what goes on behind the scenes in a house. What may seem like a perfectly operating machine, is actually a ticking time bomb. Do not assume that when danger strikes, your insurance will be there to bail you out. We are not saying it won’t, but be careful. If you do not address the specifics of your house before purchasing a policy, it will be messy (and expensive!).

Make sure that before you consider buying or selling a home, you have a frank conversation about the plumbing, and what safety nets you might have through your homeowners policy.

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