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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a Tree Falling on a Neighbor’s House?

Yes, your homeowners insurance will typically cover the damages caused by a tree falling from your property on your neighbor’s house or property. Home insurance will kick in if you are found responsible as long as tree didn’t fall due to lack of maintenance or because of an uncovered peril.

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Trees are a common property feature and can make a property look spectacular, but trees can also cause severe damage to a homeowner’s property or a neighbor’s property. Sometimes this damage can be costly, so can homeowners insurance help? Does home insurance cover if a tree falls on my neighbor’s house or property?

Who is liable when a tree falls onto a neighbor’s property?

First, the person who is liable for damage due to a falling tree is the person whose property the tree was on. This means that if you have a tree on your property that falls onto your neighbor’s house and severely damages their home, you will be held responsible for paying for damage repairs and tree removal. Some financial responsibility may land on the neighbor, in which case they may sue you for damages.

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If no damage occurs when a tree falls on a neighbor’s property, then the insurance policy will not kick in at all. The homeowner whose property the tree fell from would still be held responsible for removing the tree from the neighbor’s property.

Sometimes there may be a question as to whose property the tree is on. Some trees are on the borderline of both properties. It may be prudent in this case to talk with your neighbor to determine whose property the tree is on or if damage occurs, to work something out with your neighbor.

Will homeowners insurance cover me?

Yes, if you are found to be responsible for a tree falling on and damaging a neighbor’s property, your home insurance policy will usually step in to cover damage repairs, as long as the cause of the tree falling was due to a covered peril, like a windstorm. There are some nuances to what section of the policy would cover the homeowner, normally it will be either the dwelling or liability sections.

There are some cases where a home insurance policy might not cover you. The cause of the tree falling could be due to a peril that is not covered under the homeowners insurance policy. It may also be determined that the tree was not properly maintained by the homeowner, which would then lead to a denied claim. A common instance where this might happen is when a tree is already leaning over before some sort of storm or other peril knocks it over.

Dwelling coverage

The dwelling coverage section of a home insurance policy will cover the homeowner when a tree on their property falls on their own house and causes damage. This section of coverage may still kick if a neighbor’s tree damages your house if the neighbor doesn’t have home insurance. Pretty much all homeowners have home insurance these days, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Even homes that are rented out are normally covered under a landlord policy

Liability coverage

The liability section of coverage will cover you when a tree on your property falls on and damages a neighbor’s property. The coverage limits are typically fairly high under this section of coverage, usually starting at $100,000 with more that can be purchased by the homeowner. This can be a really helpful coverage in the instance of a tree falling on a neighbor’s property as there can be significant damage that occurs, leading to a large bill for the homeowner. Depending on the value of your home, you may want to look at getting a higher liability coverage limit than the standard $100,000 to $300,000. Read through your policy to determine exactly what you are covered for and talk with your insurance agent to see what options are available to you.

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Kyle has extensive background in financial planning and financial writing. He is an expert in home, auto and life insurance. Kyle holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from San Diego State University and multiple financial planning designations.
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