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Walls In Condo Insurance

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The term “walls-in insurance” can refer to two different types of insurance policies:

  1. A type of master policy purchased by HOA condo associations. It is also referred to as single-entity coverage. Walls-in offers more protection than bare-walls insurance, but less than an all-in policy. It covers the common areas of the condo building shared by all HOA members and the exterior of the building itself up to the walls in the single condo units.
  2. HO-6 condo insurance is also often called walls-in coverage. It is held by you, the individual condo unit owner, and it protects the interior and fixtures of your condo and your personal belongings.

Continue reading to find out what a walls-in condo insurance policy is and how it will affect you in the future.

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Key facts
  • “Walls in insurance” can refer to two completely different insurance coverages.
  • The walls-in master policy covers the common areas of the building and the building’s structure up to the walls of the single condo unit. It also includes the coverage of standard attached fixtures that came from the builder.
  • Walls in master policy does not include appliances or items that can be taken with you when moving.
  • Walls in can also refer to standard HO-6 condo insurance purchased by the individual unit owners.

Defining walls-in HOA master policy

A walls-in master policy, also known as a single entity coverage, is the most common type of master policy. It offers protection to common areas in the condominium building and covers the losses due to damage to the outside of the building, the roof, and the walls up to the drywall of the individual condo units. This coverage typically includes fixtures that haven’t been upgraded by the condo owner. Covered fixtures include flooring, lighting, countertops, cabinets, plumbing, and electrical. Walls-in master policies typically do not cover appliances or other property within the unit.

While this is a broad definition of the policy as a whole, it is important to note that each Condo association’s master policy can vary in coverage. This means some master policies will include more wall-in items, and others will exclude other types of coverage. Carefully review these documents before purchasing insurance to ensure you have the proper coverage for your unit.

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Walls-in HO-6 condo insurance

An HO-6 policy will provide you with the majority of coverage within your condo. It is one of the most essential and often required insurance policies required when buying a condo. HO-6 includes most of the same coverages as the other types of homeowners insurance with only other structures being excluded:

Each HO-6 policy will specifically outline the coverage for each of these sections. It is important to pay close attention to the amount of coverage and exclusions listed before locking into a plan.

The type of master policy your building has a direct influence on how high you should set your dwelling coverage limit for your HO-6 condo insurance. If your condo building has a walls-in master policy, you will need to purchase enough dwelling coverage to cover built-in appliances, improvements, alterations, and renovations.

Types of HOA master policies

While walls-in insurance is the most common type of master policy, there are two more types of coverage: bare walls-in and all-in. Here is how they compare:

  • Bare Walls-In Coverage: This type of insurance has minimal coverage. It mostly covers common areas, the exterior of the building, and the walls up to the drywall of the individual condo units. Everything inside the condo units is excluded from coverage.
  • Walls-In Coverage: This is insurance that covers all the items from the studs that cannot be taken with you when you move. Think light fixtures, carpeting, and other attached fixtures.
  • All-In Coverage: This is the top-tier type of insurance that can be purchased. The insurance covers appliances, improvements and alterations, ventilation, and security equipment in the condo units.
In order to get the right amount of HO-6 condo insurance, it is important to know what type of master policy your condo homeowners association has.

Connecting insurance policies

Whenever you sit down and consider your options, it is best to lay everything out on the table so that you can get a complete picture of what you are looking at. The first thing you need to do is get a copy of your HOA’s insurance policy documents.

A condo association must maintain insurance for the outside of the condo, also known as studs out. This policy will generally cover damage to the surrounding area. Some condo associations will include walls-in or bare walls-in coverage on top of their master policy. A common area or attached structure will be covered by these policies. Items of value inside the home that are lost due to a covered cause are not covered.

Your HO-6 insurance policy fills in the gaps in coverage left by the master HOA policy. It covers your personal belongings, personal injuries, and appliances inside your dwelling unit. If your building only has a bare-walls coverage, you may need to carry enough dwelling coverage in your HO-6 policy to cover the replacement of the interior of your condo unit.

Together master policy held by your condo association and your HO-6 condo insurance create a comprehensive coverage protecting you from most potential perils damaging your condo and personal belongings.

Protect your investment

When it comes to walls-in insurance, you need to understand the context in which this term is being used. If it is referring to the policy you get as a condo unit owner, then walls-in insurance means HO-6 condo policy. In other cases, walls-in insurance can mean a type of master policy held by your HOA condo association.

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Katelyn is a freelance copy editor and writer based in Massachusetts. She holds Bachelor's Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science, both from Fitchburg State University, as well as a Master's Degree in Public Administration from UMass Amherst. In her free time, Katelyn enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.
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