Editorial Policy

At HOIC, we are committed to providing the most accurate, thorough, and unbiased information about home insurance to our readers. We understand that choosing home insurance is a significant decision, which is why we’ve developed a clear and comprehensive editorial policy to guide our work.


Our team works diligently to ensure all information presented on our website is current, factual, and reliable. We cross-check and verify all facts and figures from reputable sources, including insurance companies, government agencies, and established financial institutions. If errors are discovered, they are promptly corrected.


While we may receive a commission from certain home insurance providers if our readers choose to purchase through our affiliate links, this does not influence the content of our reviews or the ratings we assign. Our editorial team conducts objective assessments of all products and services, regardless of whether we have an affiliate relationship with the provider or not.


Every piece of content on our site will disclose if there are any affiliate links present. This is done in accordance with our commitment to full transparency with our readers. We will make it clear when a user is clicking an affiliate link.


Our editorial team operates independently of our business development department. Our writers and editors are not informed about our affiliate relationships, ensuring they can provide an unbiased perspective on all products and services.

Update Policy

The home insurance industry is always changing, and as such, we periodically update our content to reflect these changes. We aim to keep you informed about the latest trends, products, and services in the industry.


Our primary responsibility is to our readers. We are dedicated to providing content that helps you make the best decision for your home insurance needs. Our articles, reviews, and comparisons are created with your needs in mind, aiming to provide clarity and confidence in your decision-making process.

By adhering to this policy, we hope to maintain your trust and become your go-to resource for all your home insurance needs. Should you have any questions or concerns about our editorial policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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