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Water Damage Insurance

Water Damage Insurance

Water damage in the home can be a source of enormous stress and cause you to have to deal with frustrating repairs, property loss, and inconvenient interruptions to water usage in your home. Dealing with these issues can add to your stress when you have water damage, so it’s important that you know how and ... Read more
Canine Liability Exclusion

Canine Liability Exclusion

Liability coverage included in a homeowners insurance policy provides financial protection in the event that you are liable or legally responsible for others’ injuries or property damage. That coverage extends to damage other members of your household, including your pets, may cause.  However, if you have a dog and are shopping for home insurance, you ... Read more
Catastrophe Insurance

Catastrophe Insurance

While standard home insurance policies include several different types of coverage to protect your home, they include lists of events that are excluded from coverage as well. If any damage occurs from one of these events, your insurance company will not accept any claims to provide financial protection or recompensation for the needed repairs. These ... Read more
Water Exclusion Clause Home Insurance

Water Exclusion Clause Home Insurance

In the world of insurance, there always seems to be a catch or clause hidden within the context of any given policy. The water exclusion clause is no exception. Water damage is a contentious issue in most homeowners insurance policies. Especially if you live in an area that frequently receives heavy rains, flooding, or water-related ... Read more
Loss Settlement Amount

Loss Settlement Amount

No matter what type of limits of liability are shown on your insurance policy’s declaration page, every homeowner will also contain a loss-settlement provision. This provision outlines how a claim will be paid subject to the various conditions of the policy itself. Generally, loss settlement applies to the replacement cost payment for both the dwelling ... Read more
What Is Personal Lines Insurance?

What Is Personal Lines Insurance?

When you need to be safeguarded from a loss you cannot cover on your own, personal lines insurance comes into play. While you may not hear of personal lines insurance every day, odds are, you’re already a policyholder of many insurance types that fall under the umbrella of personal lines insurance. Personal lines insurance is ... Read more
Coinsurance Formula Homeowners Insurance

Coinsurance Formula Homeowners Insurance

A homeowners policy is only as good as the amount the home is insured for. An underinsured home is one that won’t be fully recovered in the event of a loss. This is why most insurance policies contain what is known as a coinsurance clause. Each coinsurance clause requires policyholders to purchase a certain amount ... Read more
Florida Wind Insurance And Wind Mitigation Program

Florida Wind Insurance & Wind Mitigation Program

Every Florida homeowner knows that the state is no stranger to high winds. Whether it is a hurricane, tropical storm, or weather front, Floridians deal with more than their fair share of wind-related incidents. This is why programs have been put into place to help residents to lower the risk of damage from both wind ... Read more
Homeowners Insurance And Refinancing Your Mortgage

Homeowners Insurance and Refinancing Your Mortgage

When you choose to refinance your mortgage, you’re essentially paying off your old loan using the new loan (the refinanced mortgage) in order to obtain better terms and a lower interest rate. Overall, a mortgage refinance can save you money long term and may even help you to reach the goal of paying off your ... Read more
Condo Vs Townhouse Insurance: Are There Differences?

Condo vs Townhouse Insurance: Are There Differences?

From the outside, condos and townhomes can be difficult to discern. Most share a similar facade and even boast many of the same interior features. There seems to be little difference between the two dwellings, yet when insurance involved, condos and townhomes couldn’t be more different. When looking into insurance for townhomes and condos, you’ll ... Read more
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Mandatory Evacuation Costs?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Mandatory Evacuation Costs?

Every family fears the daunting day in which their city or municipality declares a mandatory evacuation due to weather. Sadly, mandatory evacuations happen almost annually in certain regions of the US. In the event of a hurricane or a flood, people who are ordered to evacuate often have no nearby family to stay with, forcing ... Read more
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Radon Mitigation?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Radon Mitigation?

Homes contaminated with radon can be serious health-hazards and need to be treated. Unfortunately, this problem is fairly common, with one in fifteen homes in the United States experiencing elevated levels of radon. As testing and preventing elevated radon is the home is considered a part of home maintenance and not an unforeseeable event, radon ... Read more

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