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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Jewelry?

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Homeowners insurance coverage and jewelry explained

In general, homeowners insurance companies do cover jewelry, though subject to certain limitations and stipulations. It is the purpose of this article to give you the necessary insights and adequate information concerning your overall jewelry coverage and the significant options available at your disposal, geared towards total safety of your treasured assets.

Homeowners insurance and jewelry coverage

Homeowners insurance is probably the most essential form of protection for both your physical and personal property that has ever been floated in the market. It safeguards not only homes per se, but a whole wide range of personal stuff as well, for example, furniture, appliances, clothing and in most cases jewelry is included. Ironically, however, while jewelry is often regarded as precious and high-value property, it is more often than not, provided the least protection in many homeowners insurance policies, simply because it is considered as high risk for theft and various personal neglect. True to most standard homeowners insurance, the most you can expect for jewelry coverage range between $1,000 to $2,000 a piece. There is also a maximum limit as to all other items stipulated in your policy. On top of this very limited amount, deductibles also kick in whenever you file a claim, which understandably, will further reduce whatever amount you stand to get from your insurance coverage. Case in point is, if you happen to own a multi-carat diamond engagement ring worth $20,000 and you have a deductible of $500 for instance, in all likelihood, you can not expect your insurance to pay the full value of your ring, but only a very small part of it or probably $1,500 the most. This is with the premise that your insurance will grant you the full maximum limit coverage in your policy which is generally $2,000.

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While we are on the subject of jewelry coverage, it is quite important to note that there are certain limitations and conditions imposed on lost or damaged pieces of jewelry. These underlying conditions or limitations are commonly referred to as “covered perils,” for example, fire, lightning, burglary, explosions, vandalism, among others. This would mean, any misplaced piece of jewelry or valuable ring that slipped off the drain while you are showering or washing dishes do not fall under the category of covered perils and therefore would not qualify for standard insurance claim and coverage.

Two ways to insure your jewelry

Fortunately for those who own valuable and expensive pieces of jewelry like high-quality diamond rings or bracelets, or a well-guarded heirloom piece that has been with the family from one generation to another, there are a couple of options available that can help you obtain optimal protection for your treasures. These options are accessible for purchase and can guarantee you the financial freedom should you want to replace any and all stolen or damaged pieces of jewelry.


First in the list is a floater, which is often considered a viable choice for sufficient jewelry coverage. It is commonly known as a rider or endorsement that can be attached to any existing homeowners insurance policy. It significantly raises the coverage for any specific piece of jewelry, under whatever type of loss or damage, explicitly described, and its value clearly defined in the policy. To sum it up, a floater aims to outline and protect any piece of jewelry you want to cover. There is a downside to this option however, it may impact the premiums of your current homeowners insurance in cases where so many claims are filed, which ultimately might give your insurance company a valid reason to drop your coverage altogether.

Jewelry insurance

Secondly, given all the surrounding circumstances that concern protection for your most treasured pieces of jewelry, your best option is to purchase separate jewelry insurance. This type of insurance is aimed for full protection of your assets. It will shield you beyond common perils, accidents, damages, unintentional neglect and most importantly will provide you will full amount of coverage for the appraised value of your jewelry. Any claims made under this policy will not have any bearing on your existing homeowners insurance policy whatsoever. You will be free from any worries about your homeowners insurance premiums going through the roof. This may be comparatively expensive but it is only because you get full, warranted and comprehensive protection for your assets. Appraisal by a highly esteemed and certified gemologist is required under this policy.


In closing, whether you owned a treasured bracelet or an exquisite diamond necklace that you love and take pride in wearing, it becomes a necessity that you secure yourself an adequate insurance coverage, not only for safety and protection but for your overall peace of mind as well.

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